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Re: restructuring of media filters

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2015 12:25 pm
by Timbalu
It is a good idea to learn the users to use seconds instead.
This will even work when the item has added milliseconds. Then it is stored as 237.42 for example.
But a search for 240 will still find it.

At this time my conclusion of restructuring extended filters would be this approach:
example_filter_structure-9.png (118.51 KiB) Viewed 37783 times
If that would be OK, I would submit and close this session, asking to perceed with the added constants in addlang.txt

Re: restructuring of media filters

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2015 12:54 pm
by garvinhicking

Why are the input fields coloured differently? White, blue and orange?

I'd like to not use the term "Sortieren nach", when in fact this is filtering?! Actually I think we could simply have a headline:

"Suchen nach...*"

and then only show:

Verknüpftes Datum
Kurzer Kommentar
Langer Kommentar

A mouseover on "Suchen nach..." could then show something like "Hier können mehrere Suchbegriffe kombiniert werden; einige davon werden in den zugehörigen Meta-Daten der Dateien gesucht und daher nur gefunden, wenn jene Felder auch ausgefüllt wurden".

Re: restructuring of media filters

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2015 1:17 pm
by Timbalu
garvinhicking wrote:Why are the input fields coloured differently? White, blue and orange?
Hm, my eyes say dimmed lightgreyblue and dimmed lightyellow. :)
I wanted to show the difference between image table fields (i.*) and media fields (bp.*) and the two singulary main fields tagname and item tags. All white assumed me too much and too much undifferentiated!
garvinhicking wrote:I'd like to not use the term "Sortieren nach", when in fact this is filtering?!
Well, this is what is was, nothing added by me.
This is a good idea too!
example_filter_structure-10a.png (77.86 KiB) Viewed 37778 times
garvinhicking wrote:Actually I think we could simply have a headline [...]
Nice idea, but a waste of height in my eyes.

Re: restructuring of media filters

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2015 1:46 pm
by garvinhicking

IMO this differentiation is strange; The file extension and filename should, for example, have the same color, and I think we should have at most 2 colors, not 3...

The texts now look much better!

Re: restructuring of media filters

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2015 2:03 pm
by Timbalu
Fine for me!
example_filter_structure-11a.png (73.63 KiB) Viewed 37775 times

Re: restructuring of media filters

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2015 3:39 pm
by onli
Seems like an improvement to me too.

But the colour thing is not evident. If you want to sue different colours there, there needs to be an additional visual explanation of the meaning. A good way would be to sectionize the fields – have the white ones on top like currently, then have a section headline saying something meaning "bp.fields" (we need to have a proper term), and then the blue fields. The different sections then can have different colours.

Re: restructuring of media filters

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2015 3:51 pm
by Timbalu
onli wrote:...there needs to be an additional visual explanation of the meaning
This is exactly what I did. Fixing the doubled name field, freed one colon. This is where I place the i icon with description plus underlayed with the color used for the input fields in mean!
What I wanted to avoid was adding an extra line for a fieldset / hr / title or whatever.

This seemed me to be the simplest, cleanest and visual targeting approach possible!

Re: restructuring of media filters

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2015 4:25 pm
by onli
plus underlayed with the color used for the input fields in mean!
Den Satz verstehe ich nicht, ich glaub nicht, dass das englisch ist. Daher jetzt kurz auf deutsch.

Ich denke, da gehört ein Title hin, aber das Icon ist auf dem Bild ja nicht sichtbar. Kann warten bis ich/wir das in live gesehen haben.

*Edit* you mean the info icon win the input box? That I did not understand at all, that is not a good solution.

Re: restructuring of media filters

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2015 4:45 pm
by Timbalu
onli wrote:Den Satz verstehe ich nicht, ich glaub nicht, dass das englisch ist.
Maybe not in France... ;-)
It is a note, not an input. I think before discussing this to death, a live version will help.

Re: restructuring of media filters

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2015 5:25 pm
by onli
In mean würde übersetzt sowas wie on average = durschnittlich heißen, es wäre allerdings nicht korrekt. Google findet es nicht umsonst nicht, macht wirklich keinen Sinn hier. Du meinst "in the meantime"?

I'll look at the live version, but based on the image that is really not comprehensible. We'll see.

Re: restructuring of media filters

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2015 6:15 pm
by yellowled
While we're at it, I think that this
Screenshot 2015-11-02 18.11.52.png
Screenshot 2015-11-02 18.11.52.png (20.65 KiB) Viewed 37759 times
is very confusing.

I don't get what it does from the German translation, but I also don't get why it is positioned there and why it's two radio buttons. Do I have to hit the “Go!” button to apply it? Is it related to filters or sorting or both? Why not use the same interface here that is already used in the same media db for #media_selector_bar (on the right) which turns a group of radio buttons into a grouped button?


Re: restructuring of media filters

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2015 6:38 pm
by Timbalu
onli wrote:Du meinst "in the meantime"?
No! ...the subjects/objects in mean (things meant by).
I don't think the Google translator is a good tool to translate a living language, nor my way of pronouncing and thinking. But now I understand why you do not get what I say quite often... :)
yellowled wrote:I don't get what it does from the German translation
There is no german translation yet (apart from y/n). It is (child directory fallthrough:) Strict yes/no. Remembered by Cookie.
yellowled wrote:Why not use the same interface here that is already used in the same media db for #media_selector_bar (on the right) which turns a group of radio buttons into a grouped button?
While this is something else. Right grouped independent buttons search for TYPE OF: images, or videos, or all items. I would not even think we do really need this, since you can place your videos in an /objects/video directory, which is much better and just as easy to find and to open via the directories select field box.

Re: restructuring of media filters

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2015 7:37 pm
by onli
is very confusing.
+1. That is not understandable :(
But now I understand why you do not get what I say quite often... :)
:) Ich will da wirklich nicht auf dir rumhacken, aber ja: Ich verstehe wirklich oft dein Englisch nicht. Klingt doof, aber wenn du das ein bisschen verbessern würdest, wäre das wirklich viel einfacher. In mean z.B. existiert schlicht nicht. Aber ich lass das jetzt gut sein.

Re: restructuring of media filters

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2015 8:02 pm
by yellowled
Timbalu wrote:There is no german translation yet (apart from y/n). It is (child directory fallthrough:) Strict yes/no. Remembered by Cookie.
See, I still don't know what it does. And if I don't get it, most of our users won't, either. (And I don't think that's a matter of translation.)
Timbalu wrote:I would not even think we do really need this, since you can place your videos in an /objects/video directory, which is much better and just as easy to find and to open via the directories select field box.
Sorry, but you're assuming what users may want to do based on your own experiences and preferences here. I'm afraid UI/UX doesn't work that way. I agree with you on the part that a dedicated directory is in fact “better”, but I have seen tons of users not do this. And for those, these buttons may be very useful.


Re: restructuring of media filters

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2015 9:52 am
by garvinhicking

I think this "strict: yes/no" radiobutton belongs in the Filter dialog, and only be shown when it's opened. Then we should rename that option to say:

(X) Also show media items from all sub-directories
( ) Only show media items from selected directory

That should be much clearer, yes?
